Industrial applications of materials science require simulations of large systems which imply the use of accurate force-fields. Despite the availability of a wide range of force-fields the complexity of the systems to be treated, or the conditions considered,...
News And Events
July 1 – 5, 2024 – Japan: Materials development and design with MAPS 5.0
In this presentation Scienomics will highlight many aspects of the advantages of using materials simulations, and especially MAPS 5.0, for industrial researchers. We will give an introduction into all technology incorporated in MAPS, ranging from quantum mechanics...
April 15th, 2024 – Simagora 1.0 beta, a digital platform for integrated virtual experiments
The Simagora project, which started 3 years ago, has since its conception the ambition to address industrial challenges. Today, the platform has a new technology allowing to describe products and simulators at a multiscale level and the required no-code technology to...
July 20th, 2023 – Challenges of the Home&Personal care industry and how to tackle them using materials simulation technologies
As a large, rapidly expanding, and extremely diverse market, the Home and Personal care industry needs to combine sustainability, novelty, and safety, all of which are strongly influenced by the growing role of digitalization and simulations. Innovation in this...
May 25th, 2023 – Dielectric properties of materials and tools to automate their prediction
In this webinar, we will present an automated strategy that consists of a series of workflows developed to compute properties of materials and aid in product design. As examples, we chose dielectric properties, more specifically the dielectric constants and dielectric...
Simagora – marketplace, 27 April 2023
Simagora, a web marketplace, offers the ability to provide and use simulations for developing products with a strong chemical footprint sustainably and eliminates all those barriers that refrain SMEs to use such technologies. Simagora makes circular economy, green...
Scienomics webinar- Special Korea – 2023/02/24
재료 특성을 이해하는 것은 에너지 전환, 환경 규제 준수 및 지속 가능 제품 개발 분야의 다양한 요구 사항을 충족하는데 있어 전략적으로 중요합니다. MAPS의 새 버전인 MAPS 4.5는 연구원이 가상 공간에 구현된 제품의 모의 실험을 실행하고 성능과 화학 조성 간의 관계를 활용하여 제품 설계 규칙을 수립할 수 있도록 합니다. MAPS 4.5는 폴리머, 전해질, 촉매, 나노복합체 및 여러 산업 부문의 복잡한 유체 제형을 포함한 모든 유형의 재료 및 제품을 연구하고 개선하는데...
Scienomics webinar 日本向け特別セミナー 2022/12/06(火)
November 29, 2022 – Scienomics Webinar – Special Indian Issue – hosting Ass. Prof. Indrajit Sinha
Understanding materials properties is a strategic in addressing the challenges related to satisfying the requirements in the fields of energy transition, environmental compliance, and sustainable development. MAPS 4.,5, the new release of MAPS natively enables...
November 18, 2022 – Scienomics Webinar – hosting Prof. Hui Yao – SCIENOMICS MAPS 在线讲座—— 中国特辑
了解材料特性是应对并满足能源转型、环境合规和可持续发展要求及相关挑战的关键。MAPS软件的新版本MAPS 4.5,它使研究人员基于数字孪生技术对产品进行虚拟实验,并利用其性能与化学成分之间的关系建立产品设计规则。MAPS 4.5可用于研究和改进所有类型的材料和产品,包括聚合物、电解质、催化剂、纳米复合材料以及涉及多个工业部门的任何复杂流体配方。MAPS 4.5技术涵盖从量子、原子/介观尺度到宏观和机器学习。...