Applied Research and Innovation Services with a strong return on investment by focusing experiments towards productive and innovative paths and saving stalled development projects through a detailed exploration and understanding.
Applied Research and Innovation Services, ARISe, provides contract research services and consulting expertise to empower our clients to achieve their goals.
Faster delivery of products to market, cost-effective and eco-friendly processes and products are some of the goals we have been working on. Following agile and novel ways for innovation our ARISe Team provides new insights derived from the most scientifically advanced technologies in Materials Sciences. Leveraging fundamental material and process properties we enrich the existing information of process “know- how” with process “know-why” insight. Therefore, we enable lowering the cost and time involved in the search for improved materials, processes and increased performance. SCIENOMICS ARISe Team are all PhDs in science and engineering with expertise in a number of industry segments.
For clients around the world, SCIENOMICS ARISe is a recognized expert in multi-scale, multi-paradigm modeling and simulation aspects of design, development, quality and optimization. Leveraging cross-disciplinary knowledge the ARISe Team considers all ideas, creates and tests hypotheses, generates insights and ignites innovation leading to performance enhancement, process improvement and product save for our clients.
All our ARISe engagements provide a strong return on investment by focusing experiments towards productive paths saving stalled development projects and innovating through a broader and deeper exploration and understanding. All work done under ARISe is strictly confidential and proprietary to the client.